This is an interactive website which I presume is the first of such sort. Scrolling down the site may indeed arouse your curiosity and interest. Road accidents are on the rise and about 15 lakh people die every year. Accidents occur due to various reasons the main cause happens to be the ignorance and carelessness of the driver. This situation demands an immediate solution. Ours is a small step towards accomplishing this goal. We look forward to your valuable suggestions and co-operation. We plan to present the images and videos of road accidents and we would be extremely happy and grateful if you share and support us.
You may express your personal views and the same will be mentioned in the video channel. If you like our video channel, please don’t forget to share and subscribe..... Thanking you.
Will update this soon.
Will update this soon.
Will update this soon.
Will update this soon.
JP Driving Academy 1st Floor, Koodaly Arcade, Amballoor Palappilly Road, Amballur, Kerala 680302
JP Drving School Ground floor, Chirammel building, Amballoor Palappilly Road, Amballur, Kerala 680302
Phone : +914802753121 Email :